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Bart van Leeuwen [22]B. Van Leeuwen [3]Bart R. Van Leeuwen [1]Basilius M. van Leeuwen [1]
  1. Should the Homeless Be Forcibly Helped?Bart van Leeuwen & Michael S. Merry - 2019 - Public Health Ethics 12 (1):30-43.
    When are we morally obligated as a society to help the homeless, and is coercive interference justified when help is not asked for, even refused? To answer this question, we propose a comprehensive taxonomy of different types of homelessness and argue that different levels of autonomy allow for interventions with varying degrees of pressure to accept help. There are only two categories, however, where paternalism proper is allowed, be it heavily qualified. The first case is the homeless person with severely (...)
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    To the Edge of the Urban Landscape: Homelessness and the Politics of Care.Bart van Leeuwen - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (4):586-610.
    Homelessness is an obvious moral challenge, given the fact that it is a problem that millions of people in the developed world have to deal with on a daily basis. In the relatively scarce literature on this subject, there appear to be—roughly—three main approaches, namely, what I will refer to as the “difference approach,” the “liberal approach” and the “care approach.” In the paper I will critically review these three moral perspectives on the issue of homelessness. I will argue that (...)
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  3. A formal recognition of social attachments: Expanding Axel Honneth's theory of recognition.Bart van Leeuwen - 2007 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 50 (2):180 – 205.
    Axel Honneth draws a distinction between three types of recognition: (1) love, (2) respect and (3) social esteem. In his The Struggle for Recognition, the recognition of cultural particularity is situated in the third sphere. It will here be argued that the logic of recognition of cultural identity also demands a non-evaluative recognition, namely a respect for difference. Difference-respect is formal because it is a recognition of the value of a particular culture not "for society" or "as such", but for (...)
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  4. Mocht Plato zien wat er van de universiteit geworden is, dan zou hij stomverbaasd en bezorgd zijn.Michael S. Merry & Bart Van Leeuwen - 2024 - Https://Www.Knack.Be/Nieuws/Belgie/Onderwijs/Mocht-Plato-Zien-Wat-Er-van-de-Universiteit-Geworden-is -Dan-Zou-Hij-Stomverbaasd-En-Bezorgd-Zijn/.
    Als Plato de hedendaagse academie zou aanschouwen, zou hij niet alleen stomverbaasd zijn over de massificatie en de byzantijnse bureaucratie, maar gezien het ethische doel van de universiteit zou hij ook reden hebben om bezorgd te zijn.
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    Racist Variations of Bad Faith: A Critical Study of Lewis Gordon’s Phenomenology of Racism.Bart van Leeuwen - 2008 - Social Theory and Practice 34 (1):49-69.
  6.  62
    Social attachments as conditions for the condition of the good life? A critique of will Kymlicka's moral monism.Bart van Leeuwen - 2006 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (3):401-428.
    The moral justification of Will Kymlicka's theory of minority rights is unconvincing. According to Kymlicka, cultural embeddedness is a necessary condition for personal autonomy (which is, in turn, the precondition for the good life) and for that reason liberals should be concerned about culture. I will criticize this instrumentalism of social attachments and the moral monism behind it. On the basis of a modification of Axel Honneth's theory of recognition, I will reject the false opposition between the instrumental value and (...)
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    Kunnen onze scholen goed burgerschapsonderwijs wel aan?Michael S. Merry & Bart Van Leeuwen - 2019 - Sociale Vraagstukken 1.
    Burgerschapsonderwijs is een belangrijke missie op scholen. Met de toegenomen aandacht voor zelfredzaamheid en kennis over het politieke systeem zitten we op het goede spoor. Maar dat geldt niet voor de kunst om met verschillende meningen om te gaan. Kan ons onderwijs die burgerschapsvorming wel aan gegeven een aantal praktische uitdagingen en de geïnstitutionaliseerde blinde vlek voor ons koloniale verleden?
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    To what extent is racism a magical transformation? An existential-phenomenological perspective on racism and anti-racism.Bart Van Leeuwen - 2007 - Journal of Social Philosophy 38 (2):292–310.
  9. Moeten we de daklozen helpen, zelfs als ze dat niet willen?Bart van Leeuwen & Michael Merry - 2018 - Res Publica 60 (3):294-296.
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  10. Recognition, identity and difference. The moral logic behind multiculturalism.B. Van Leeuwen - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (4):751-784.
  11.  54
    Daklozen moet je beschermen, desnoods tegen hun zin.Bart Van Leeuwen & Michael S. Merry - 2018 - Sociale Vraagstukken 1.
    De burgemeester van Etterbeek liet tijdens de afgelopen periode van vrieskou daklozen van straat halen. Soms tegen hun wil in. Omdat het soms nodig is om mensen tegen zichzelf te beschermen.
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    Dealing with Urban Diversity: Promises and Challenges of City Life for Intercultural Citizenship.Bart van Leeuwen - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (5):631-657.
    Intercultural citizenship seems to benefit from certain generic aspects of city life that carry a negative quality, such as “blasé attitude” or the typical “indifference” of city dwellers. The main part of this essay argues that this observation allows the formulation of a moral minimum—a threshold conception—of intercultural citizenship in the urban setting, namely, what I call side-by-side citizenship. A certain level of indifference makes possible personal freedom and a tolerant multicultural city, although there are more ideal formulations of intercultural (...)
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  13.  53
    Is architecture relevant for political theory?Bart van Leeuwen - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (1):116-124.
    Is architecture relevant for political theory? That is the key question that structures this excellent collection Political Theory and Architecture, although a number of essays fit a broader formulated theme better, namely, concerning the political relevance of the organization and design of our built environment more generally, including architecture but also spatial planning and urban design. The collection demonstrates that our build environment is not merely a passive backdrop to a political community, but actively shapes aspects of our common political (...)
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    “A Dream, Dreamed by Reason … Hollow Like All Dreams”: French Existentialism and Its Critique of Abstract Liberalism.Bart van Leeuwen & Karen Vintges - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (3):653-674.
    The recent claiming of Simone de Beauvoir's legacy by French feminists for a policy of assimilation of Muslim women to Western models of self and society reduces the complexity and richness of Beauvoir's views in inacceptable ways. This article explores to what extent a politics of difference that challenges the ideals and political strategies of abstract liberalism can be extracted from and legitimized by the philosophies of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre. Without assuming their thought is identical, we can (...)
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  15. Doctor Seraphicus, Vier Studies over de H. Bonaventura.V. M. Breton, A. Epping, B. Van Leeuwen & N. Sanders - 1951 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 13 (1):123-124.
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    Charles Taylor on Secularization.Francisco Lombo de Léon & Bart van Leeuwen - 2003 - Ethical Perspectives 10 (1):78-86.
  17. Door de ogen van de haat: Racisme geïnterpreteerd vanuit sartres existentiële fenomenologie.Bart van Leeuwen - 2005 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 97 (4).
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    De kenbaarheid der katholieke kerk AlS de Ware kerk volgens de Weg der kentekenen.Basilius M. van Leeuwen - 1965 - Bijdragen 26 (2):180-192.
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    Erkenning als een stuk brood?Bart Van Leeuwen - 1996 - Filosofie En Praktijk 17 (4):208-210.
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  20. Het verlangen naar gemeenschap; over moraal en politiek in Nederland na deverzuiling.B. van Leeuwen & Sjaak Koenis - 1997 - Filosofie En Praktijk 18:210-210.
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  21. Morele en ideologische erkenning.Bart van Leeuwen - 2004 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 2.
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    Multiculturalisme, erkenning, onverschilligheid.Bart Van Leeuwen - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 62 (3):573-585.
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    Urban civility or urban community? A false opposition in Richard Sennett’s conception of public ethos.Bart van Leeuwen - 2014 - European Journal of Social Theory 17 (1):3-23.
    Richard Sennett can be interpreted as one of the more robust representatives of a current critique with regard to ethnic communities in urban areas, namely, that such ethnic enclaves are a proof of urban disintegration and failing citizenship. Firstly, I take issue with Sennett’s assumption that there is an inherent tension between in-group solidarity and the ability to deal with members of perceived out-groups. Secondly, instead of simply cutting citizens off from the wider public sphere and leaving them politically ineffective, (...)
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    Voor de laatste keer:'de plasseks'-affiche.Bart Van Leeuwen - 1997 - Filosofie En Praktijk 18 (2):109-110.
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    Verdinglichung. Eine anerkennungstheoretische studie (reification. A recognition-theoretic study).Bart Van Leeuwen - 2006 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 9 (2):237-242.
  26.  17
    Weerstanden tegen multiculturalisme. Casus België.Bart R. Van Leeuwen - 1998 - Filosofie En Praktijk 19 (3):128-148.
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  27. Het verlangen naar cultuur: Nederland en het einde van het geloof in een moderne politiek. [REVIEW]Bart van Leeuwen - 2009 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 101 (4):290-291.
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